How to cultivate Shakti

How to cultivate Shakti

Shakti is that feminine creative energy that creates and animates everything.  In Yoga, Shakti is the divine feminine that unites with Shiva the divine masculine that allows everything to exist.  Without Shakti energy, universal consciousness would not be able to manifest into matter.  

The concept of Shakti is really beyond gender and exists inside everything.  She is creation, nature and the moon.  She can be soft and nurturing and she can rise up like a storm when needed.  In Hindu mythology she can take many forms like the goddesses Kali, Lakshmi, Parvati or Durga.

I love to tap into Shakti energy through my movement practice.  When I found a feminine way to exercise in Bellyfit® and feminine Yoga that honoured my female body, moon cycle and energy levels, there was no going back!

In all my classes, I work with Mudras and in this class and in the upcoming Move with the Moon classes, we will be using Shakti Mudra.

Shakti Mudra

To do Shakti Mudra

  1. Curl your thumb into the palm of your hand.
  2. Hold it in place by curling your index and middle fingers over it.
  3. Place your hands together so that the knuckles of your index and middle fingers are touching and the tips of ring and index finder are together and spread apart.

The benefits of Shakti mudra are:-

  • Cultivates Shakti feminine energy
  • Stimulates the immune and nervous system 
  • Regulates sleep
  • Soothes menstrual cramps
  • Reduces limiting or intrusive thoughts
  • Stimulates the Sacral Chakra

Check out my class below to cultivate Shakti or join me for my Move with the Moon 4 part class series where we will be cultivating Shakti and using sacred feminine movement with Shakti Mudra to tap into the energy of the final 4 week moon cycle of 2023, which reflects the wisdom of our own moon cycle.

I hope you enjoy tapping to Shakti in the short routine below and join me on the New Moon on 13th November!