I recently took a HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis) as I've been having perimenopause symptoms like anxiety, high blood pressure and weight gain around the middle, so I wanted to see what was happening with my minerals. Minerals are the foundation of health as they are involved in every process that your cells run to keep you alive and healthy.
HTMA is a simple non-invasive test where you cut a small piece of hair from the back of your head to find out how your body is doing and assess overall health and potential imbalances. It's NOT a diagnostic test but rather a guide that I use to personalise any nutrition recommendations I give, so that they are personalised to your unique body chemistry and what your body is needing most right now.
Here's what I found out:-
If I was my own client I would be recommending a diet of:-
I like to take a food first approach and if I was to recommend supplements, they would always be whole food or bio available forms as synthetic vitamins are just expensive pee! I already take some fundamental supplements like magnesium, raw organic cod liver oil, probiotics and Irish Seamoss capsules and I will keep taking them and take an extra Seamoss capsule per day as that is nature's multi mineral supplement!
So my main takeaway is that high cortisol levels have been contributing to high blood pressure, anxiety and laying fat on my belly. During perimenopause my adrenals are supposed to be picking up the slack from my ovaries but mine can't, so that is what is causing the symptoms. There is something about seeing it in on test results that makes you want to make the necessary changes more!
If I was trying to conceive, then I most likely would be having a hard time as my body is prioritising survival over procreation.
Do you want to get a window into your health? I can arrange a HTMA for you, interpret the results and give you an easy to follow and do-able plan. This is far superior to an automated report, as I get you to complete a comprehensive intake form so that I know about your lifestyle, symptoms and any medication or conditions you have.
As a special launch offer, my first 3 clients will only pay for the price of the test (£70) and you will get my interpretation and plan for free in exchange for a testimonial if you are happy with the service!
Be quick though as it will be for the first 3 client only!