Sa Ta Na Ma Meditation

Sa Ta Na Ma Meditation

I fell in love with Kundalini Yoga and chanting when I was pregnant and in particular I loved the Sa Ta Na Ma Kriya. The mantra "Sa Ta Na Ma" is a powerful and ancient Sanskrit mantra and here’s what it means:

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The Mother Archetype

The Mother Archetype

In this blog, I'll focus on the Mother archetype. We ALL have the Mother archetype within us even if we're not actually mothers ourself and if you're trying to conceive, pregnant or having fertility issues then tapping into this architype is a great thing to do, opening you up to the mother energy already within you. The Mother archetype is linked to the Full Moon & Ovulatory Phase (Summer). She is also very much linked to the Heart Chakra which is all about love, kindness and compassion. She embodies love, nurturing (of the self and others), and our connection with the earth and nature...

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Ride the high of ovulation

Ride the high of ovulation

Let’s talk about ovulation! If you’re trying to conceive then it’s the main event and even if you aren’t trying, then this is still an important vital sign of your overall health. It’s a good idea to track your cycle either way so you know if and when you ovulate and take note of your mood, energy and any other symptoms, which are your body’s way of telling you there in an imbalance somewhere.

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Sleep better for your hormonal health

Sleep better for your hormonal health

There is mounting and exciting research that is now demonstrating the link between melatonin (the hormone involved in sleep and circadian rhythm) and how this protects your fertility and hormonal health, aids implantation in pregnancy, protects against mi

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